Friday, September 5, 2014

Happy Birthday to me!

First things first: GO HAWKS!

Next: Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes!

Last, but not least: Cape Town. Is. AMAZING.  It's an incredibly beautiful place, and the fantastic staff at the guesthouse, which I love, made me a delicious carrot birthday cake.  So what's not to like?  More details and more pictures to follow, but it's almost time for my birthday dinner so for now I'll leave you with this pano from my hike up Table Mountain.

PS: For those of you following along at home, my cold has largely abated (yay!), to be replaced by the twin evils (boo) of jet lag (the only upside of waking up at 2:30 am and not being able to go back to sleep is that I could follow the Sea Chickens game) and some sort of allergy (I've been sneezing all day today).  But I'll take that trade all day long.

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