- Days spent traveling: 87
- Flight legs: 26
- Continents visited: 4 (Africa, Asia, South America, Antarctica), although I suppose it's technically 5 if you count my brief return to North America (which I don't)
- New continents visited: 1 (Antarctica)
- Countries visited: 10 (South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Tanzania, Cambodia, China, Argentina, Antarctica, Chile)
- New countries visited: 9 (China is the only repeat)
- Travel companions: 6 (Vijay, Eileen, Monju, Mom & family, Bradfitz & Nick & Rebecca, Rose)
- Logistical glitches: 2 (Airport transfer in Arusha, boat cancellation in Torres del Paine)
- Unexpected returns home: 1
- Multiday hikes: 2 (Kilimanjaro, W)
- Day hikes: 4 (Table Mountain in Cape Town, two day hikes in El Chalten, hike up volcano in Rapa Nui)
- Times lost on trail: Surprisingly few, the only notable time was in El Chalten, and even then we weren't truly *lost*, just offtrail
- Souvenirs purchased: 6 (at least 3 are gifts)
- Sightings of other Seahawks gear: 2
- Sightings of other Mariners gear: 4 (though at least 1 didn't know what it was)
- Items lost: Substantial chunk of cash (Namibia), 2 cameras (transit from Jo'burg to Arusha, Antarctica), lip balm (Kilimanjaro), warm hat (Ushuaia), scarf (Antarctica), sunglasses (false alarm in Antarctica, for real at Easter Island), and probably more that I'm forgetting (this is why I can't have nice things)
- Items damaged: $8 watch (second hand fell off and began obstructing the other hands, so I trashed it in Buenos Aires), hole in the seat of one pair of trousers, expanded rip in the thigh of one pair of jeans.
- Injuries: Innumerable cuts and scratches, copious bruises, 1 walking blister, 1 kayaking blister, 2 biking blisters, 1 bruised tailbone, 2 worrying knee twinges that went away after more walking
- Weight gained: Don't want to think about it
- Sicknesses: Slight cold (Cape Town), some allergies (southern Africa generally), slight altitude (Kilimanjaro), a little sea (Drake Passage).
- Mosquito bites: ~15 (Cambodia)
- Times I wondered why I was so tired when I hadn't taken my vitamins/iron pills: ~11
- Old friends lost: 0 (as far as I know)
- New friends made: Several
- Arrests: 0
- Deaths: 0
- Fun: Heaps
Definitely a success in my book. The world is full of beautiful and interesting places, and I feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to visit so many of them on this trip and others.
I'm also extraordinarily privileged to live in one. Sometimes it's good to come home.
PS: I give it a couple weeks max before wanderlust strikes again.
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